How To Select  My Focus Keywords

What keywords do you use to talk about your products and services? 


Step 1

Step 1

Talk To Your Sales Team

What keywords do potential customers use to describe your products and services? 

Step 2

Step 2

Look At Your Competitors

View your competitors websites. Do you notice keyword phrases used often?

Step 3

Step 3

Google Search Console

What Queries are your already generating traffic from? Could you improve your position and gain more traffic? 

Step 4

Step 4

Keyword Planner

Take a few of your brainstorm keyword phrases and search from them in Google's Keyword Planner. Google may suggestion more ideas. 

Step 5

Step 5

Organize into themes

Take all your keyword phrases and organize them into one list. Group any similar keywords. Groups will become your keyword themes. 

Step 6

Step 6

Assign a theme to a page

Find a page of content on your website for each theme. Use only one theme per page. 

Step 7

Step 7

Enter your theme into the Focus Keyword box on your Yoast Plugin and start optimizing!

Enter your Focus Keyword

Step 8 

Step 8