How to Get More Revenue from your Website?

Monetize your Existing Web Traffic

The number one improvement owners want for their business website is more traffic.

The problem is you can’t deposit website visitors in your checking account.

What you should want is more business from your website. That’s a different a goal.

How do you make that switch? Can you fix your website? What kind of improvement can I expect?

Our broadcast will get you started in the right direction.

Here’s what we covered:

  • Options for getting leads from your website.
  • Using the data you gather from website leads.
  • How to improve?

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Original Broadcast: August 24, 2018

Additional Reading:


Our topic is how to get more revenue from your website, which is something that we all want. The question people often ask is how do I get more website traffic. To grow our businesses, what we really need to ask is how to get our website to generate more business. Making that step from website visitor to business lead in my pipeline.

What we are talking about is the process of conversion. A conversion on a website needs to be a defined activity. This is an activity that a website visitor completes on your website. An activity that will help move them further into your sales funnel.

In order for this activity to work for your business, it needs to go hand-in-hand with your sales process. The result should be information that your salesperson can take and run with it.

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